James Murr(a)y's
Transfer Report from Atlanta


Subject is 52 year old white serving 25 years for bank robbery. He comes from a good parental home where he lived until his marriage in 1914. His mother died when he was an infant, but his associations with step-mother were congenial. He is the only known delinquent in the family. He married in 1914 at Chicago, and has made his residence there since, except when at institutions. He has three children.

Subject's first known conflict with the law was in 1924 when he received a 25 year sentence at this institution for conspiracy to rob the U.S. Mails. He was received Dec. 6, 1924 and released by parole May 28, 1931, his sentence having been commuted to 12 years. The record bears evidence of only one disciplinary report in Oct. 1929 for a fight with Frank Hackenthal, #22219. However, it was pretty definitely known that Murry was connected with the attempted escape of Roy Gardner and other inmates during the time Murry was here, but sufficient evidence was not secured to proceed against him. Acting Captain Reid, on whose detail subject worked in the Kitchen at that time, personally recalls the circumstances, and states that Murry's actions prior to the attempted escape made it very apparent that he was connected with the plot, and that the only apparent reason he did not actually take part was that his plans miscarried and he could not get out into the corridor at that particular time because of the position of the rear corridor officer. Captain Reid also states that Murry was a continual agitator and trouble maker, but was one of those individuals who was intelligent enough to stay in the background and to avoid actual conflict with the rules.

In connection with the circumstances of the offense for which subject was sentenced in the above stated case, our records do not contain any report from the prosecuting attorney. From the time of the subject's release in 1931 to his involvement in the instant offense, the record reveals only one arrest, for investigation, and on which he was released in 1934.

The instant offense involved robbery of a bank at Clintonville, Pa., at the point of guns, by subject and his two co-defendants, in the daytime during business hours. They forced bank employees to lie on the floor while they committed the robbery, and then escaped in an automobile. George Slade later confessed to participation in the robbery and revealed the hiding place of the loot. He plead guilty, but subject and Joseph Dorsch plead not guilty. Subject was found guilty and received the instant sentence of 25 years.

There is a poverty of verified data concerning subject's personal history and associations prior to his conviction in 1924. He and his wife, according to his statement, have been connected with a large brewery in Chicago for some time. However, it is evident from his correspondence with his wife, and remarks made during her recent visits with him, that she is continuing activities connected with some large organization, which he is endeavouring to direct her in, and the nature of their intercourse leads to a strong suspicion, which however is not confirmed, that such activities may be of an illicit nature. Photostatic copies of report of officer covering recent interviews between subject and his wife are attached hereto.

This inmate is strongly suspected of involvment with a group of prisoners serving long terms and having major criminal records alleged to be involved in an escape plot at the present time. The information received concerning this has not been confirmed by concrete evidence, as yet, but close observation of these prisoners has revealed frequent contact and associations of a nature lending credence to the alleged scheme.

This inmate is an intelligent, deliberate type of confirmed offender who adopts subversive methods and endeavors to carry out his maneuvers without detection by remaining in the background. It is the unanimous opinion of the institution authorities and the Classification Committee that he is a dangerous prisoner to retain among the general population here, and that his removal is essential to the safety and welfare of the institution. He is now confirmed in isolation by reason of a fight with another inmate. In view of the above the Committee unanimously recommends his transfer as indicated.
