
  1. Effective January 1, 1941, Industrial Good Time
    at the rate of two days for each calendar month during the first year,

    at the rate of four days for each calendar month during the second, third and fourth years, and

    at the rate of five days for each calendar month during the fifth and subsequent years may be allowed all inmates employed in the
    Laundry Model Shop (Furniture Factory)
    Mat Shop Cobbler Shop
    Clothing Factory Dry Cleaning Plant
    Machine-Blacksmith Shop
    Inmates must have been in the institution ninety days, and have served at least thirty days in the industry, and have worked at least twenty days in a calendar month to be considered for the allowance of Industrial Good Time.

  2. An inmate, to receive the Industrial Good Time, must apply himself to the tasks assigned in a faithful, diligent, industrious, cooperative, and orderly manner. No Industrial Good Time will be allowed to any inmate who refuses to do the work assigned to him by a foreman or custodial officer, who shirks, stalls or who attempts to interfere with or slow down production, who assaults or attempts to assault an officer or inmate; who escapes, attempts to escape, evades or hides out from a count, who willfully damages material, machinery, equipment or other Government property.

  3. Inmates working in any industry who are transferred from one industry to another for extra work or to meet an emergency will be credited with the time worked in all industries and recommendation must be submitted to the Associate Business Manager for such inmate by all foremen or officers under whom the inmate has worked during the month.

  4. On the last day of each month the foreman of each shop or industry and the officer in charge of the details will jointly make a report to the Associate Business Manager concerning all inmates assigned to work under their supervision during the month.

  5. On the last day of each month the foreman of each shop or industry and the officer in charge of the details will jointly make a report to the Associate Business Manager concerning all inmates assigned to work under their supervision during the month. Such report recommending Industrial Good Time shall state positively that the inmate has applied himself in a faithful, diligent, industrious, cooperative, and orderly manner to his work, duties, and tasks. Any inmate who has not fulfilled these requirements shall not be included in the recommendation or be allowed industrial Good Time.