September 15, 2002
Tune It Out 9/11/02 Tune

Tune It Out


Tune out, Tune in
wonder what is going on
Tune out, Tune in
My mind like a radio
I get tired, bored, or overwhelmed
I tune you out
after a while i start to wonder
what is going on 
I tune back in 
to the rest of the world
what is going on?
I look around
I listen a bit
I wonder for a while
and I tune it back out
It is safer in my world
much nicer in my little corner
so I tune out the world
I walk through the halls
I see everything
and I see nothing
I get where I need to
seeing everything and nothing
I cant handle the world
and the world cant handle me
so I tune out the world
and live inside a corner of me
I tune you out
I rarely tune in
I may need to at times for a class or two
but at all other times
after I get the assignment 
get the directions
back into my corner I go
I tune you all out again
from my corner I see everything different
I see different, I hear different
nothing holds me here
yet you the reader dont understand
you cant fathom what I say
who is this person you ask 
who lives inside her head?
how can it be you think
that she keeps the world away
dont try to hide it
I hear it in your thoughts
I feel it from your mind
I see what you think
I feel what you feel
i feel everyone aound me
I hear everyone around me
I never chose to be able to
I never asked to be this way
Yet you dont understand do you?
you dont understand what it is like
to feel the emotions from everyone
to see thoughts from everyone
to see memories from everyone
that you feel you have no right to touch
yet have no choice but to see 
when there is no control there is no choice
so it is simply safer for me to tune you all out
safer for us all
I tune it out
I tune you all out
I try to help when I can
to help those I know need help
I take on others pain
so that they need not bear it
they will feel better
whilei never do
but why should I feel better?
I will just tune it out
it is safer that way
just tune everything out
I will hide in my corner
alone with my misery
and many others
just tune it all out
life has no meaning
so take one day at a time
tune it all out
thats all I can do
just tune it all out
when there is no point to anything
tune everything out
Posted by Becca at September 15, 2002 01:07 PM
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