September 12, 2002
What is Wrong With Me?

What is Wrong With Me?


I keep trying to find out if its just one thing 
but if its just one thing
that thing is me
if one thing is wrong with me 
its that I exist at all
I'm sick of me that thing I see 
I am so tired of it all 
I dont know what to do 
I see a monster yet I'm constantly told somthing else
what do others see that I dont?
I see a creature unworthy of love 
I see a monster that deserves to hurt 
I see a pitiful, discusting creature 
that will never ammount to anything 
yet everyone tells me thhey see something else
what do they see? 
I dont understand I just dont understand 
they tell me what I see is wrong 
they tell me to stop and look 
I look,I tell them what I see
they tell me look again
I continue to starre i coninue to hate
they continue to love 
I continue to not understand 
I just dont get it, what is going on
why do people care about me? 
me of all things , me why me? 
why do people care about a a thing like me?
I just dont understand 
I suppose I'll never understand
Posted by Becca at September 12, 2002 09:06 PM
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