July 30, 2002
The road ahead 7/30/02

The road ahead


I sit down to read
wondering if their right
thinking, hoping
that maybe its true
that this God they have
 that makes them glow
might give me what I need to
to make me feel whole
I hope I pray
that he wont reject me
still afraid that the way I feel
will reflect on how he feels for me
after all I don't see any reason
for this God of theirs to care for me
especially when I don't care for me
but I sit and I read
I try to understand
though much of it baffles me
I don't understand why
why I ask does this God care so much?
I don't understand
I don't deserve any of this
I don't deserve the sacrifice in the stories I've heard
and am beginning to read for myself
I don't understand why he cares so much
to continue calling to me of all people 
even though I try to tell him im not worth it
I cant count how many times 
I've found myself coming so close
to falling into his arms
and pushing away at the last second 
pleading for him to leave me alone
just go away I know I need you 
but I don't deserve you 
I don't know why you care
I don't understand what is out there
I see the proof though
I'm beginning to try to learn the truth
yet I still am scared
why does he care
about me?
Of all people 
why me?
I have to ask why 
I just don't understand
it makes no sense
I'm nowhere near perfect
in my eyes I'm most likely the most imperfect person on the planet
yet I know his eyes are different than mine
I know only because he keeps calling
to me of all people
why me?
I don't know
why anyone?
We all have our faults that is true
yet me?
I can understand other I have met and seen
but what can I give?
I am so frightened that I can never be good enough 
for anyone especially God
so why does he want me?
me of all people he calls to
Why me?
I don't know 
I don't understand 
I doubt I ever will
I only hope 
I pray
that somehow I can learn what its all about
and maybe even find out why
I don't know
I may never know
I just hope that I don't muck up what he wants of me to bad
I'll do my best to do what he wants
I know its all I have in life right now really
is whatever God wants
is what I should do
I've never been happy
in truth I'm a bit frightened to find out
but I?ll do whatever it takes 
to please him
not for me
but for him
only because I don't  know why he cares
I only know that he does
and that somehow I may find the answers
to many more questions
in serving him
I?ll do whatever it takes
I don't know what im getting into
I don't know where I'm going
I only hope to get to know
the one who is leading
Posted by Becca at 12:29 PM
July 19, 2002
Looking around 7/19/02

Looking around


I look around searching for something
searching for something that will make me feel whole
I look around, I see their faces
when I go certain places
I see it in their eyes
I see the proof
I see the truth
there is something out there
there is something more
and it has accepted them
and given them what they need to go on
yet I stand back
scared to go on
afraid that the one who accepted them
will reject me, because I reject me
I know why I feel this way
about the one
I know why im afraid to go on
its because of how I feel about me
I never liked me
I always hated me
im afraid he will to
I look around
I see their faces
I see the glow
it radiates
and I wonder
will he take me
as I am
this pitiful creature
this mass of ugly flesh
could something so wonderful
really want something so horrible?
Im scared to find out sometimes
yet cautiously I begin to step forward
to learn more
and find out what it is about these people that glow
that makes them want to reach out
to a creature like me
and offer his peace
to a thing like me
that doesn't deserve it
I don't know why they care
I don't know what's out there
I only see their proof
and wish to learn the truth

Posted by Becca at 08:58 AM
July 18, 2002
The Two Constants 7/11/2002

The Two Constants


pain seems to be the only constant in life
yet the pain I feel I cant identify
and it just seems to be to much sometimes
so I escape into the empty voids inside me
I run off to nowhere I hide
where I cant hide
I try to not give myself physical relief
from the emotional yet it hurts still
for I used to
and I know it just makes it hurt more
yet even though I know that
I wish I could cry
I often want that release I used to give myself
but the crying never comes never comes
and I refuse to give in to what used to be
all that remains is nothing
nothing is all that there is
pain and nothing
empty and hurting
all I know anymore
the two constants I see in my life
are pain and emptiness
neither that I can identify any longer
I only know them as pain and emptiness
not their origin or why I feel them
just the name
pain filled
empty void

Posted by Becca at 10:01 PM
What to do where to go?

What to do where to go?


I don't know where im going
I don't know if your leading
I don't know where im looking
I don't know why im looking
I know im still searching 
anymore I know not what for
all I know is there has to be an answer
there has to be something more
is there anyone
that can answer the unanswerable?
Who am I?
Is there anything more than this?
What is life?
Why am I here?
Was I put there to simply suffer?
To be told to not hate myself
yet hate myself more for being told not to?
Is this all that there is?
Is there nothing more?
Why do I feel so empty?
So alone and afraid
nothing is clear anymore
I don't know where to go
I don't know where to turn
I don't know what to do with these questions
 rolling around my head 
I only know if I cant find answers
I may as well give up
yet would death really be better than life?
I don't know I still hold a terrible fear
am I ready for it?
does anything really lie beyond?
If there does am I ready for it?
if there doesn't and we simply disappear
what's the point of out time here?
Yet if there is a heaven or a hell
Im terrified im not prepared to find out what either is like
I don't know what to do
I don't know where to go
I wish I knew what to do
but I don't know 
Posted by Becca at 09:56 PM
Searching for truth 6/27/2002

Searching for truth


What is this
what do I believe?
I don't know anymore
I am not sure what I believe
what is true
what is not
I don't know where I end and others begin
when it comes to god and jesus what do I believe?
I don't know anymore
im searching for answers
seeking the truth
I know not where ill find it
or even where it lies 
im not sure what im looking for
I need help
I'm not sure who to ask
or who to turn to
all I know is that im seeking the truth
and that I hope that god will still accept me
when I've found out what I believe
all I know is I know god is there
anymore I don't know what else
I don't know what I believe
other than that
there is a god
but what else?
There has to be more
doesn't there?
I don't know
i'm still searching
Posted by Becca at 09:55 PM
My prayer for my life

My prayer for my life


I've run long
I've run far
I know not why you still call
I don't pretend to understand your ways
I don't pretend to know why you care
I only know that if you'll take me now
as I am though I know I don't deserve it
I'll do everything I can to do your will
I can do it on my own
I'm incapable of it
I sit here broken
admitting that now
I wont make excuses 
you know all I've done
you know more than what I know
I simply ask this
if what they say is true
and you really do want me
and you really do care for a worthless thing like me
than I come before you now 
asking simply that you'll do what you wish with me
I want nothing more than what you want for me
I don't know where my life is headed 
I don't know where it has come from
so I put everything at your feet I lay it all down
and simply ask that you do what you wish
and if you wish to turn me away
simply strike me down
I don't blame you
but if you want me if you really do love me
please forgive me though I know I don't deserve it
I'm so far from perfect
you know how I feel
you know everything
so I simply ask that you do as you wish and help me through this Lord
because I cant carry on on my own anymore
I never could 
you were there before I know that now
I just never wanted to admit it before
I ran for so long
but I come to you now 
broken unworthy and asking you to simply forgive me 
and if you will take me and use me as you will
simply use me for nothing else
than what you want that's all I ask
is your will nothing else that's all I want
please simply forgive me, change me, renew me 
and use me for your ways that's all I want 
Posted by Becca at 09:54 PM
Sounds in the night 6-11-02

Sounds in the night


Chitter chiter chat chat 
tap tap click clack
tappity tappity 
clickity click
these are the sounds you hear from me
all though the night and often the day
clickity click 
tapity tap
cause thats the sound a keyboard makes
tap tap click click
and if im manic ill yell BING!
And someone asks
 whats going on with that crazy thing?
And I simply continue on
click click tap tap
tapity tapity 
click click
cause all I do is type it out
chat it out 
then sit in a corner and cry it out
click click tap tap 
clickity clickity
tapity tap
thats all you hear from my room 
then its quiet
and im gone
off in another world 
till another poem comes along 
then clickity clickity 
tap tap
im at it again
Posted by Becca at 09:52 PM
Venting 6-11-02



Music plays on the radio
they call it that anyway
the things most teens listen to these
 days tend to tear you down 
or encourage you to tear yourself down
on the other hand there is the christian station
which has nothing but god this and god that
and isn't much better
because all it is, is a bunch of hymns
that or some praise music or something
and it shoves things at me and many others
that I want nothing to do with
not anymore
im tired of it
im sick of paying lip-service to it
you can have your stupid god
I don't want him 
and I don't see why he would want a pathetic thing like me
so keep your religion 
keep your god 
keep your music 
your truth 
your faith
keep your trust 
your whole meaning to life
and if I die and go to hell
I belong there 
a pathetic worthless thing like me
belongs nowhere else
so turn off the radio
 let me crawl into a corner and hide 
and leave me be
just let me die please
thats all I long for anymore
a release I want out
im tired of trying
to chicken to do it on my own or even try
so leave me be
stop with the compliments I don't deserve them
just let me be in my little corner of hell
its where I belong 
its what I deserve
nothing else do I deserve
nothing else could be worse than this anyway
Posted by Becca at 09:51 PM
Searching 6-11-02



I search through the day
I search through the night
I seek a reason 
and find one I don't
I search and I search
and find nothing
nothing but pain 
pain pain pain
thats all that I feel is 
pain pain and more pain
so what do I do 
where do I turn?
What am I seeking you ask?
A reason to keep going
a reason to live
an answer to why I am here
what is the point 
is there a reason to it all
if I were to kill myself where would I go?
Would I disappear?
Is there a heaven?
Is there a hell?
If there is where would I go?
How do I know?
I know where I feel I deserve to go
after all a thing like me only deserves the worst
yet still I am terrified of what may lie beyond
I don't know
Posted by Becca at 09:49 PM
Questions 6-11-02



Questions roll around my head
I have to get them out
I start to wonder day and night 
throughout the week anymore im always asking this
Is god even real?
 Does heaven really exist?
These questions attack me daily anymore
I often wonder if there is a heaven or hell
or is this it? 
Is this life all we have to live?
If we go on after this where do we go?
If there is a heaven 
and if it is anything like what I have heard
I don't deserve to go there
any god I have heard anything about
I often wonder why he would care
I listen to what im told
about heaven and hell
I read about it in fiction books 
by others who claim to know about it
and my feelings are 
that maybe god did send his son
but if there is a god
and if he did
I cant see him doing that for me
or why anyone would care about me
especially someone or something I cant see
so I sit and wonder often
is there a heaven is there a hell
where do we go when we die?
What would happen if I died tomorrow?
Or even if I simply gave in and killed myself?
Im tired of trying yet terrified of what may lie beyond 
I don't claim to know the answers anymore 
im tired of paying lip-service 
to things I know nothing about
so I sit and hide
and I ask questions of myself
not knowing where to turn
or who to ask
or even if anyone may know the answers
are there any answers?
I don't know
Posted by Becca at 09:45 PM
Me 6-11-02



Who am I?
I do not know
I ask who I am 
and I get no answer
becca a name
so common it seems
becca rebecca becky etc 
many spellings said the same
yet who am I ?
Inside of me a war is raging 
who is the real me in all that is going on?
I don't know
I ask it often I search but do not find
and I feel m beginning to give up
is there any hope of finding out
who I am inside of me?
I don't know
I honestly wish I knew
who am I my name is Rebecca
a name thats all it is
common among many
im simply one rebecca among thousands 
im not even plain and ordianry
no im not special either
many would disagree with e but cant convince me otherwise
I look at me what do I see
 I see an ugly fat girl
plain as you can get
who was born screwed up will die screwed up
and is lost as can be
still I ask who am I?
I know how I feel about myself
I know how I look at myself
is that who I am?
Or is it something I need to get past to find out who I am?
I wish I knew 
oh how I wish I knew
Posted by Becca at 09:44 PM
Sleepless and lonely 6-11-02

Sleepless and lonely


Sitting here all alone
in my room at night again
just staring out the window
nothing to see nothing to do
the clock hits three am
I sit and stare thinking
I cry off and on
wishing I had someone to talk to
and still I have no one
no one here to talk to 
no one out there with answers
just me here sitting
alone and lonely as usual
forever alone and lonely
I wonder when it will end
I stare at the night sky
asking questions it cant answer
I stare out into the city wishing I had a friend
but who would want to be friends with me?
Who even knows I exist?
No one
they don't know im here I don't let them know
because im to scared to go up to them
I see them around 
potential friends
but im terrified of approaching people
so I sit alone and lonely
wishing for a friend 
and to chicken to go up and talk to anyone to make a friend
so I sit here beating myself up
wishing for someone to talk to
and wishing for the end
when the end will come I don't know
I hope it is soon
im not sure I can handle many more sleepless nights
Posted by Becca at 09:42 PM
Rambling thoughts 6-11-02

Rambling thoughts


Who is god?
What is love?
I know how to give love
I know how to feel it for others
I know how to say I love you to someone
I know I shy away when someone says it to me
I am not capable of loving myself
I often feel I have god shoved in my face
I often wonder who he really is
I see so many different faces of him
and yet it always comes down to one question
why would this god of love
this god I am supposed to love
I am supposed to fear
fear and love
how can you be afraid of someone and love them?
Yet its not just that
how could any god possibly want anything to do with me?
Why would he want anything to do with me?
Why does anyone want anything to do with me?
Why do people care about me?
I don't know
what is it they see that I don't
I look at me and I hate what I see
they look at me and say they like what they see
two different perspectives
who is right?
I wonder a lot
I am so confused
so lost so empty
I wish I knew where to go
I wish I knew where to turn
I wish I knew why they cared
Posted by Becca at 09:40 PM
Emotional pain 6-11-02

Emotional pain


I wander around
sometimes through crowds
often I pick up the feelings of others
the positive ones I easily ignore
the negative ones I feed off
its so easy to simply hang around others 
and feed off negative feelings
sch as fear or depression 
pain or sorrow
and make it my own
being an empath is not easy
especially when I can not always tell
who what where when how or why the feelings I pick up are there]
yet I pick them up and I feed off of them
the pain and sorrow becomes my own before I know it
I do that automatically anymore
I carry others burdens along with my own 
because I will take all the pain I can get
I deserve it
pain is all I know its all life is
pain is the only thing I can easily recognize
so slam me insult me hurt me I accept it gratefully
though few realize it
I want pain yet not the pain I feel
yet physical pain does not remove the emotional pain
so I pile more emotional pain on myself
why don't ask I don't make sense
my answer is I deserve it 
though you disagree I know
it hurts many to see me like this 
it hurts me to hurt others
more pain to add to the pain
pain the one constant in life
Posted by Becca at 09:39 PM
LIFE 6-10-02



What is life
I wish I knew
the meaning of life
is there one?
I ask it often 
of many people
who claim to know the answer
yet every time 
the answer is different yet similar
and never makes sense
life to me is meaningless
life to me is pain
nothing but pain 
memories I cant reach 
pain that I cant explain 
and an emptiness that consumes me
and drives me mad
is there a meaning to life I do not know
neither does anyone else it seems
I often wish I had the guts to end my life
yet im terrified of what may lie beyond
is there a life beyond life itself?
Are we eternal beings or is this it?
if god does exist what could he possibly want with a disgusting thing like me?
I have asked that of many people
though I stopped because the reactions I got seemed to hurt both sides
I look around and wonder 
is there a point to it all
is there a meaning to it all
what is this thing called life?
Questions I ask often
yet are never answered
I am so empty all the time
is there a reason for how I feel?
I wish I knew
I don't know but I wish I knew
Posted by Becca at 09:35 PM
Worthless and friendless 6-10-02

Worthless and friendless


I wander around
wishing for a friend
I want a friend
but I cant find one
I don't approach anyone
no one knows me
no one comes up to me
they don't recognize me
a new city
full of new people
and im all alone
alone and lonely
I don't introduce myself
I stay alone
if someone sees me
they might say hi
then walk on by
I don't go up
I don't say hi
I always stay away 
I always figure if someone sees me
and if the chance however small
that someone thinks
im worth talking to at all
then they will come up and say hi
till then I stay alone
friendless and alone
just worthless me
alone and lonely
Posted by Becca at 09:33 PM
Time updated 6-10-02


updated 6-10-02

Time ticks by ever so softly
you don't often know its passing
 then when its to late
 you begin to see 
 that time has passed you by
 you run to catch up
 but no matter how hard try 
time keeps slipping by
and its to late to catch up
and do the things
you ought to have done before
so i sit and stare 
seeing so much time has passed 
knowing i will never catch up
knowing i may never come close
and knowing that if anything good ever comes from me
it will come to late
Posted by Becca at 09:32 PM
A Simple Prayer ??/1-3/02

A Simple Prayer


I know I've doubted you for a long time
I know I've often said your name should be a curse
my simple prayer now is simply forgiveness lord
I don't know when how or why
but i have realized now what I need most of all
please help me lord I've taken a bad fall
I don't know where to go from here 
or even where to start
so I'm simply praying you will guide my heart
and continue to give me the friends I need most
who continue to guide me in your ways
and help to show me who you really are
and help me see your true face
Posted by Becca at 09:24 PM
God, what god?

God, what god?


I go around after day
I act happy but don't feel that way
I've claimed Christianity often enough
I've thought long and hard and though its tough
I have to admit I don't believe in god
god what god? I've asked myself a lot

they say trust in him and be contented with what you got
I cant though its too hard im in emotional pain every day
I don't know what to do I don't know what to say
everything seems to go wrong at the worst of times
when Im feeling down they say
trust in "god" it will be O.K.

What does that mean? If there is a "god"
why am I so alone I don't understand like they think I should
I often wonder what death will be like
more often than not now I want to find out
"god" what "god" they say there's proof it cant be denied
and all I can do is sit back and think all I've lived is a lie
I don't believe in god how can I?

All I really know well is my life is made up of pain
both physical and emotional Im breaking under the strain
of trying to make the most of everything
myself my talents my weaknesses and few strengths
when I look at myself I see a big bunch of worthless nothing
I'm fat I'm ugly I look like a guy I'm not sure anymore
of what love truly is what am I to do?
Where am I to go? All I've ever wanted is to be left alone
people all around driving me insane I don't know what to do
where to go

I live in books for more reasons than one
I often dream of the "enemy" in the animorphs collection
I wish the yeerks were real because if they were in a blink
of an eye I could be a host have some alien slug thing in my
brain controlling what I do and say. I'd never have to do anything
but relax and dream read and be happy

what is true peace? I don't know I don't think I'll ever know
until I die naturally or commit suicide I don't want to grow old
I don't want to live what's the point of life im finding none
I try reading as an escape, I tried taking interest in a bass guitar
then I found that meant performing!

That scares me even more
I don't want to perform but felt my dad would be mad if
I didn't sign up to play at church
I signed up only for that reason and I wish
I hadn't I don't want to perform I don't want to lead

it's time to face the facts i just don't believe I just
Can't believe there's some "all powerful god" who
fixes all you problems and cares no matter what
I've tried to talk with my family they just don't get nor does anyone else
with my emotional problems I cant understand or believe
some "god I cant see cares for me.

"God" what "god"
my question remains I need emotional proof not physical
or seeing people be good. The way I suffer every day
it's the only way I can see for sure
if some "god" really cares or not
I'm unhappy more often than not im constantly depressed

no one would care it seems if I were to kill myself
at least I'd be in peace. I want death to mean I don't go to
some heaven filled with people if there is a heaven
I would want it to be a huge lovely place with no one but me
and a library filled to the brim of all the books I've ever read and never got to read and a nice bunch of woods a medow maybe and I would stay there
content with all the books ever written throughout eternity
but "eternity" it scares me to I would never want to live
forever that would be pure torture living forever would get boring eventually

even if you could visit other heavens so I remain to ask
"god" what "god"?
I still want to know what kind of a god has you live forever in eternal happiness? How can that be possible?
The way I see it you have to experience pain to feel pleasure
why would anyone want that much less live forever?

I don't understand what is it that drives christians to to stand
and preach to all about a wonderful "god" who fixes your
problems makes all things well and so you know he's "there" throws in some pain now and again, and when it's all over you go to "heaven
where the streets are "paved with gold"
and you live in mansions and are happy all the time
what kind of life is that?

A god of compassion and love would not do that for me he would either give me my own place or make me disappear as if I had never been
I don't actually know what I want but I know
it isnt what people say heaven is like
and still I repeat
"god" what "god"?
I don't know and am just about ready to admit defeat

Posted by Becca at 05:17 PM
Sometimes I Wonder ??/??/2001

Sometimes I Wonder


Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like,
if I could be like everyone else
to kiss, to date, to sing, to shout,
to talk all day, to run without rest,
To always be sure someone is there
to be in good shape, and to have normal moods

Sometimes I wonder why I'm me,
I am not always sure it's worth living for
constantly wondering what the meaning of life is,
never feeling secure in crowds
unable to run without an inhaler
afraid to date, to sing, to kiss
having a different mood all the time,
hardly ever talking, getting cramps just from walking

Sometimes I wonder if I can truly be happy being me,
I'm completely unsure of even a possibility existing
I am constantly unhappy, bored or mad
wondering what it'd be like to be glad more than sad
what do others think of me?
What is the missing part of me?
Who am I? What am I here for?
Does God really exist? Do I belong here?
Is there a purpose to my living?
I don't know, but sometimes I wonder.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like
to have this curse lifted from me
to not be so emotionally insecure
to be able to like myself for who I am

not rely on others to keep on going
sometimes I wonder what it could be like
to know real peace for a change
instead of constantly being hyper depressed and angry
most of the time im just numb inside
sometimes I wonder what it would be like
to be able to feel again
without tremendous pain inside
I don't know but sometimes I wonder

Posted by Becca at 05:15 PM
Friend you mean so much to me

Friend you mean so much to me


words cant say what you friendship means to me
you listen and care when it seems the whole
world is so against me its ready to smother me
and all I can think is poor me why me?
Why cant I die??
Then I talk to you and what I find is my mind
is telling me all lies
thank you for being there when I need you most
when I start to think my life's meaning
is so much of nothing it hurts 
thank you for being there
Posted by Becca at 05:07 PM
Evil? ??/5-8/1999-2000



What is evil do we really know?
Anymore all I know is my thoughts and feelings hurt me so
what can I do? Where can I go?
I look around see people pass oblivious to the world
in this world of ours people grow people change
but what of those who suffer all the way?
Sex overrated and done to much,
money given out to those who have to much
people killing people killed
suicide is done left and right
the hungry homeless people wander
in a heartless hopeless worthless world
trying to find food and shelter and when they do what do they find
a cruel uncomfortable bed food so meager or so bad
its easier to look at yourself
and say you'd be better off dead lad
so hide in a corner felling sad and get it over,
what's keeping me back? 
I need food for my heart shelter for my soul 
there's nothing in me but an empty hole
so what do I do where do I go
I hope I find the invisible goal
or the emotional hole in my hearts going to become 
the physical hole marking my suicide 
Posted by Becca at 01:38 PM
My Enemy, The Sun

My Enemy, The Sun


The sun is my enemy
I refuse to sleep
 so it may torture me faster
 The night is my friend
for it holds peace and promise I
know not during day
for the sun it angers me so
 for with it comes much stress and grief
 and in it my tears may not flow
 bu the blessed night holds much promise
 for the stress does leave me then
 and the tears left over from daylights toil 
then can flow freely without fear
Posted by Becca at 01:35 PM



Times of happiness seem fewer day by day
I need someone to help me find my way
I'm so depressed from the rut I've fallen into
I'm starting to wonder, would death be the best thing to do
I'm so afraid of what the future holds 
I wonder if I could throw the world away for heavens golds
Is life worth living, is this depression worth it?
I search every day for another escape
but no matter what I do or how I try
the reality of the world 
 all the filthy junk I have to put up with
I sometimes wish I had the guts to commit suicide
what am I to do?
Where am I to go?
What happens after highschool?
If I commit suicide will I still go to heaven?
Or is heaven just a myth?
I wish I knew the answers 
If people who are Christians kill themselves
and they still go to heaven,
would I be cheating myself to force my way
by getting life over with in My time? 
I really wish I knew 
Posted by Becca at 01:30 PM
What am I to do?

What am I to do?


Im hurting always I cannot sleep
my sanity I barely keep
what am I to do when all I want is for that sleep to end not?
I try to look at what I've got, my sanity? I think not
so if I pray what do I say?
Spare me please this life of dismay
yet pray i wont
for prayer is not something i will do
why god would care about me i do not know
so what am i to do?

Posted by Becca at 01:27 PM



I lie awake at night thinking 
I stare out in space in class
I read and live in the books I read
When I'm around others I think 
I watch others see their faces 
I think I see a glow in some, in others, 
 all I see is a blank where there should be a person
where are people in this maze of destruction?
I see their faces in different ways 
and try to understand
all my life I have known god is real
I don't know it in my heart though
I think the people I see with a light are ones 
who in their hearts know that god's real
I think I may be a blank but I can't read myself
the blanks need more than a yes god's real
we need something more I don't know what 
I need to feel it to know it 
others might be the same or they choose to be blank souls
the world seems to be falling apart but the few 
glowing souls that are left manage to hold it together
and I hope they can keep it up till I'm
done thinking and am positive god's real
and am ready to join them in holding 
and repairing this torn down world  
Posted by Becca at 01:26 PM
Thinking ??/5-8/1999-2000



I dwell in the past
 or in the far future
 never in the now of today and tomorrow
 I often get scared or panicked and crazy 
I feel all is lost 
and I start to feel lazy
 I think about fears
 that could be realized in years
 never what I can do
to keep them from coming true
 in the past unchangeable
 life seems a drag 
in the far future
 not yet realized
 I see things in fear
 in the now 
I'm not sure
 think on it more I will
Posted by Becca at 01:22 PM



I stumble all the time 
I never seem to keep my footing strong
 yet every time I fall
 and struggle to my feet once  more
 I am stronger 
yet at the same time  weaker 
for I am hurt by the stumble
 even worse by the fall 
but I learn from every misfortune 
every fall into despair
 and come out ever stronger
 standing tall in the air
Posted by Joel at 01:21 PM
Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

for mothers day 1999

Attacks the dogs
Pathetic at fixing mechanics
Pretty good nurse
Yogurt lover

alMost as crazy as daddy
Ostracizes kids often
True to her word (mostly)
Horrible memory (not that that's bad)
Extreme workaholic
Rabbit lover
Snake hater

Daddy spanker
A psycho mom is the best
Yay! It is your day!!

Posted by Joel at 01:03 PM
The Doorknob Poem

The Doorknob Poem


object: doorknob
idea: very useful tool

doorknob is needed to get into house
is nice to get into room after parent lockout
is nice to have when you want to barge in on sisters
is good to have around
is useful to get in and out of stores
is nice cause it has a lock

when I go into the house to eat corn on the cob 
I use a doorknob 
when I go to lock my parents away
I'm glad the doorknobs not hiding in the hay
when I want to run in on sis 
the doorknob I hope not to miss
if we did not have doorknobs outside
I'd be pretty confused on how to get inside
when I want to get to the bathroom to brush my hair
thank you mister doorknob for being there 
Posted by Joel at 11:34 AM
If i were a grasshopper

If i were a grasshopper


if I were a grasshopper 
I'd stay away from every corn popper
instead I'd jump on someone's head 
and get tangled till I was half dead 
then I'd get the hunch 
that it's time for lunch
I'd eat some hair
glad it's not underwear
then I'd sleep 
like a sheep
when the person showered 
I'd fall off the tower
into the drain 
along with the rain 
Posted by Joel at 11:06 AM



I am a snowman
I eat omens
they taste great
unlike my mate
some taste like powder
others like chowder
then the sun comes out 
and I start to pout
someone gets a cup
and my life is up
Posted by Joel at 11:05 AM

Silly English Poem

Silly English Poem


there was a kid named Mart
he wasn't very smart
he tried to hang his hammock
and he started to panic
one tree was here another there 
and he started to pull out his hair 
Posted by Joel at 11:04 AM



Christmas is the season
when you start receiving
nice little gifts
some bought on work shifts
lucky kids get a bear
unlucky kids get underwear
nice kids get bikes 
mean kids get trikes
stockings are hung with care
knowing mom will soon be there
Posted by Joel at 11:02 AM
Missing Cat

Missing Cat


I went to town one day in May
I felt neither happy nor gay,
cause my kitty ran away
I could not laugh, smile, or play
all I could do was frown 
down at the ground
no more loving pets to see
cause my precious kitty left me
I could always get a dog
I might even get a frog
I could've just gone to the store and played
but the store was closed and I felt very dismayed
Posted by Joel at 11:00 AM
My Wish Fish

My Wish Fish


I had a fish that I could kiss
for each kiss I got a wish
I wished for gold, silver, and more
then one day my fish walked out the door
I cried all night and on to the next morning
then I got a letter saying he went forever exploring
I remember buying him a fishbowl to show that I cared
to show appreciation his teeth he just bared
I'll never forget my fish
his kiss
or his wish 
Posted by Joel at 10:58 AM