September 15, 2002
Life, Questions, Everything 9/12/02

Life, Questions, Everything


is there a point
a point at all
to anything we do?
we do so much
we try so hard
is there any point at all?
why bother to learn?
to better ourselves??
for what?
what the fuck for?
I wonder often
I cant stop asking
what is the point?
I just dont get it
spend 30 years give or take a few
learning in schools 
spend some of that
and most of the next 50
working your ass to death
is thhere a point to this maddness?
is there a point to this life?
can anyone tell me?
why do I hate me so much?
why everything seems so hopeless
I see so much
I see so different
yet knowing this helps not
so what do i do?
where do I go?
when allI can do
is sit here hurting so
I hurt in ways many cant fathom
I yearn for the release I promised away
why am I so stupid??
why am I forced to live this way?
what is wrong with my mind?
I ask and i ask
yet I recieve no answers
are there answers?
I dont know
yet I am slowly losing hope
I feel I will never find them
I am a lost cause
I am a hopeless case
pay no attention to me
I am full of questions
you need not answer
I matter not
my questions matter not
simply leave me be
alone in my misery
go on with your life
while you question it not
as i dwell in mine
questioning its worth 
Posted by Becca at 02:41 PM
My Eyes 9/12/02 I look

My Eyes


I look around
I see with pained eyes
my eyes arre the eyes
of one who has seen to much
of one who knows to much
I know to muich of what you ask?
Life, people, the way things work
I see no point to anything
I see things so complex
yet they appear so simple to me
you cant fathom what I see
I have seen to much
I have felt to much
I know to much
of life
my eyes show it all
I know they do
so i try to hide them
mask them away
keep from others 
what they need not know
keep those young souls young
when you feel you are old
yet live in a body so young
many people dont take you seriously
yet I still see to much
what are you to do?
hide from the world
it is all you can do
and hope they dont find out
when they need not know what you do
Posted by Becca at 02:14 PM
Be careful 9/11/02 where

Be careful


where in this world does value lie?
where in this world is peace?
in what in this world can you find happiness?
if you answer of things you know nothing
material things mean nothing
what is in a house?
a rug, a brick, a statue maybe
many things you own but do not need
and a few things that you may need to survive
but many more you dont
yet if it were all to dissapear
and all that you had left
were a few close friends 
and family members
a special pet or two
would you not still have all that was important?
you would still have with you 
the most valuable things you could ever be with
what is in possessions?
nothing! absolutly nothing!
a bit of dirt, a wire or two
easily bought, more easily broken
yet life, friendship
it is not easily made
i know this 
but do you know this
life is amazing
I dont know where it comes from
But its not something we can make
it can not be sold in a store
but it is easy taken away
it is eaily hurt
friendships are hard made
and easly torn apart 
words carefully woven
can build stron friends
words carelessly thrown
can destroy a life
and material possesioons are the worst
ffor when they come around
greed is one thing
that destroys many friends
and yet when it is all said and done
what will you have to say?
at the end of your days 
what do you want to say?
that you had many things?
or you had many friends?
you fixed many things?
or you helped many people?
the choice is up to youu my friend
I hope you realize this.
Just be careful with wht you say and do
words are a weapon 
and also a tool
a two sided sword
watch how you use it
you can use it to mend
and you can use it to destroy
it is your choice how you use it
be careful how you use it
remember the choice is up to you
Posted by Becca at 02:06 PM
Alone in The Crowd 9/11/02

Alone in The Crowd


I sit alone
yet in a crowd
alone in a crowd
how, you ask, can that be?
I wonder myself at times
yet I make it so
so how could I not know?
I hide inside me 
within my my misery
crying out to others
though no one can hear
I hurt always
in one form or another
yet no one can see
I wont let them
I lock myself away
in a corner of my mind
where no one can see me
no one can see what I am
no one can see the pain I am in
no one can pretend to care
so I sit alone, alone in the crowd
hating myself
in pain and alone
knowing that to come out
means only more pain still
so I will just hide
it feels safer somehow
maybe it is because 
it is what i have always done
I may never come out
I may never learn
Just leave me alone
dont worry about me
why should you anyway?
why would you even bother?
just look at me!
there is nothing special here!
it is just me!
a worthless mass of fat ugly flesh
given a name so common among people
and what is in a name?
a name is a lable
someting to answer to
I have given up trying 
to seek out annswers
so why should it matter to any of you
if I were to live or die?
if I killed myself tonight
why should you miss me?
you cant say you would!
no one in this crowd can
I sit alone here
no one here knows me
I sit here in this massive crowd
talking to no one
alone in the crowd
destined to be alone always
alone forever
lonely forever
and miserable always
Posted by Becca at 01:44 PM
Tune It Out 9/11/02 Tune

Tune It Out


Tune out, Tune in
wonder what is going on
Tune out, Tune in
My mind like a radio
I get tired, bored, or overwhelmed
I tune you out
after a while i start to wonder
what is going on 
I tune back in 
to the rest of the world
what is going on?
I look around
I listen a bit
I wonder for a while
and I tune it back out
It is safer in my world
much nicer in my little corner
so I tune out the world
I walk through the halls
I see everything
and I see nothing
I get where I need to
seeing everything and nothing
I cant handle the world
and the world cant handle me
so I tune out the world
and live inside a corner of me
I tune you out
I rarely tune in
I may need to at times for a class or two
but at all other times
after I get the assignment 
get the directions
back into my corner I go
I tune you all out again
from my corner I see everything different
I see different, I hear different
nothing holds me here
yet you the reader dont understand
you cant fathom what I say
who is this person you ask 
who lives inside her head?
how can it be you think
that she keeps the world away
dont try to hide it
I hear it in your thoughts
I feel it from your mind
I see what you think
I feel what you feel
i feel everyone aound me
I hear everyone around me
I never chose to be able to
I never asked to be this way
Yet you dont understand do you?
you dont understand what it is like
to feel the emotions from everyone
to see thoughts from everyone
to see memories from everyone
that you feel you have no right to touch
yet have no choice but to see 
when there is no control there is no choice
so it is simply safer for me to tune you all out
safer for us all
I tune it out
I tune you all out
I try to help when I can
to help those I know need help
I take on others pain
so that they need not bear it
they will feel better
whilei never do
but why should I feel better?
I will just tune it out
it is safer that way
just tune everything out
I will hide in my corner
alone with my misery
and many others
just tune it all out
life has no meaning
so take one day at a time
tune it all out
thats all I can do
just tune it all out
when there is no point to anything
tune everything out
Posted by Becca at 01:07 PM
September 13, 2002
The Lost Ones 9/9/02 I

The Lost Ones


I wander around school
watching everything
and watching nothing
what do I see?
I see many people
I feel them as well
it overloads my mind sometimes
othertimes not
I see many things in them
I often know not what to think
so many young souls
so innocent
so unsure
they dont know where they're going
they dont know what to do
they act on impulse
they do what they want
wich is only what they want at that time
they test their limits
ones set by others 
who know not what limits should be set
yet when it is all said and done
they will eventually realize
what I see now
all of that is pointless
everything we do is meaningless
material things hold no value
yet what does?
will they ever find out?
I hope that some someday do
I myself on on the search still
know the answer I do not
I may never find it
yet perhaps one of them will
maybe one of them will find out
why we are here at all
and then we wont all be
wandering little children
lost and alone
with nowhere to go
we will have that answer
to the question  
everyone asks at one time or another
then perhaps with that answer
it will be possible to be happy
I do notknow for sure
but I can dream cant I?
Posted by Becca at 05:58 AM
September 12, 2002
Attempting the Impossible 9/10/02 I

Attempting the Impossible


I try to stop it
I try to block it out
I try to keep from feeling them
from feeling everyone around me
and from seeing the way i see
but I cant avoid it
no not me
I cant avoid seeing what i see
I cant avoid feeling what i feel
I see the faces
I feel what they feel
I cant push it out
I have no control
its easier to handle though
when I just start to see
that behind all those faces 
behind all those minds
behind every though
in the back of every young soul
there remains a question needing to be asked
only I am asking already
yet have yet to find an answer 
what is the point of living? 
why do we wander around trying to make the best of it all
when there is no best
there is nothing more
we have no proof
we can not see
they cant see it
only I can
theres only me
and the people I see
the people I see and feel
just me
Posted by Becca at 09:19 PM
What is Wrong With Me?

What is Wrong With Me?


I keep trying to find out if its just one thing 
but if its just one thing
that thing is me
if one thing is wrong with me 
its that I exist at all
I'm sick of me that thing I see 
I am so tired of it all 
I dont know what to do 
I see a monster yet I'm constantly told somthing else
what do others see that I dont?
I see a creature unworthy of love 
I see a monster that deserves to hurt 
I see a pitiful, discusting creature 
that will never ammount to anything 
yet everyone tells me thhey see something else
what do they see? 
I dont understand I just dont understand 
they tell me what I see is wrong 
they tell me to stop and look 
I look,I tell them what I see
they tell me look again
I continue to starre i coninue to hate
they continue to love 
I continue to not understand 
I just dont get it, what is going on
why do people care about me? 
me of all things , me why me? 
why do people care about a a thing like me?
I just dont understand 
I suppose I'll never understand
Posted by Becca at 09:06 PM
Avert My Eyes 9/9/02 dont

Avert My Eyes


dont look into my eyes
keep your eyes away
they hurt me 
keep them from me
dont look into my eyes
please dont make me look into your eyes
the eyes are said to be
a window to the soul
yet I see so much more than that
dont make me look in
please I beg you!
dont make me look in you
dont make me see you
I dont want pieces of your memories
i dont want you in my head
keep my eyes from you
keep your eyes from me
avery my eyes I will
Please avert yours as well
everyone will be safer
keep them all away
please I beg you
I cant handle it
to many eyes,to many minds
to many people with jum  bled memories
dont ask me to sort them
please keep them away
dont make me meet them
please dont make me 
I cant sort them 
I cant handle them
Just leave me be
avert your eyes
and I will avert mine as well
please do this for me
please do this I beg
Posted by Becca at 06:58 PM
Life VS. Death 8/28/02 Liife

Life VS. Death


Liife is a monster
it brings you in
it throws you down
it beats yiou , and beats you
on into the ground
you can beg death to come
the deliverer from life
but he comes when he wishes
you can only cry out
you may wish all you want
yet the deliverer comes not
while Life the emotional murderer
beats you into the rocks
harder, longer. the pain goes on
and still Death, the deliverer wont come
you can try to escape Life
that torturous beast
you can try to make the deliverer come
but unless he is willing
to give you your way
Life laughs in your face
and just causes more pain
you live on with Life
and all the torture it gives
the worst torturer of all
that is Life , yes it is
For death the deliverer
is all that is wanted
Life the mind killer
I hate Life so
It burdens us all
yet some more than others
yet all we can do is go on with our lives
and ait for the deliverer to come

Posted by Becca at 06:48 PM
Pool of Tears 8/28/02 I

Pool of Tears


I run off, all alone
I find myself alone in a room
drowning, in a pool of tears
and so I sit, unable to stop
crying, crying. nonstop crying
why do i cry?
By now I know not why
It starts as stress
that i am unable to contain
and from that stress 
flows everything i have locked away
I lock away everything
I hide it from me
I keep it away where no one can see
yet one thing leaks out 
and from that one thing
that for the average person
woulld need not a tear
I begin to drown in a pool of tears
I cant contain it
It wont stop
and so I sit
not knowing why
as everything pours out
all my sorrows
all my questions
alone where no one will know
till I can hide it once more
just drowning in mypool of tears
Posted by Becca at 06:37 PM